Borehole Drilling Water Projects

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Olomayiana Borehole Project

We at VCK are grateful to God who miraculously connected us to Christine & Gary. They have been a blessing to us and the Maasai communities we serve by transforming their livelihoods. Through their initiative, they have funded the Olomayiana borehole project which is serving more than 3000  locals.

These are people who have been doing 4am walks for over two hours to get to the nearest water point, endangering their lives as there are wild animals there looking for clean and safe water. The only time they have water is when it rains and since this is a semi arid area water is scarce, the man-made dams which serve as water storage water for them and their animals is never enough.

When there was drought last year, they lost almost all their animals due to lack of water and many were left starving so, the borehole is truly an answered  prayer. The locals in this area of Olomayiana could not hide their joy and were praising God and dancing when they saw the two heavy tracks from Drilling for Life coming to embark on the assignment.

They are glad that the water is available even as we serve these community, spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as He is the one who gives the living water.

We thank David Githuku who connected us to Drilling for Life who have drilled the water and we humbly request goodwill well-wishers to support them and Christine & Gary to be able to complete the other phases remaining to get the project completed eg, pipping, tanks, installation of Tank Tower and Cattle Trough.

The water committee will also do a demonstration Horizontal gardening guided by VCK.

We invite you to support a water borehole drilling project today!!

Indoinyio Borehole Water Project

Voluntary Counselors Kenya, (VCK) seeks funds for boreholes related infrastructure that will allow distribution of water to the communities in Maasailand.

We will be able to provide an affordable, safe and reliable water source to these communities. There will be no more 4am walks to unprotected water pans to collect contaminated water that steals productive working hours and causes disease. It will also increase enrolment and retention in the school by eliminating the need to leave the area with livestock during the dry months.

Background and Justification:
Currently there is a lack of safe water supply. Residents collect their water from a nearby unprotected water pan or walk 10km to a hand dug well. It also wastes productive time walking hours for water.


Project’s Goal:
Provide safe, affordable, and efficient water supply to the communities
(Population estimated to be 3,500) Drilling about 4 boreholes to these community, construction of a water towers with 23,000L of water storage each, construction of a kiosks with pre-paid metering system, piping to the schools and churches pumps and solar panels to meet the demands of the communities for reliable water supply.

Project’s Intended Benefits:

  • Increase access to a safe and reliable water supply in the community.
  • Decrease waterborne diseases.
  • Decreased wasted productive working hours walking for water.
  • Increase food security by providing water for agricultural projects. Increase quality of life for the residents of Indoinyo community.

We are grateful that we have so far been able to get funding for one borehole which was drilled by a well wisher and it is serving the community in Indoinyio.

Beneficiaries of the Indoinyio water project other than the community around it, include the primary school in the area – Indoinyio Primary school.

We invite you to support a water borehole drilling project today!!

Beneficiaries of the Indoinyio Borehole Water Project
Indoinyio Village Water Project

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Voluntary Counselors Kenya (VCK) 7th floor, KTDA Plaza Ronald Ngala Street, Nairobi, Kenya.

Call Us: +254 707 651 048

Email us: [email protected]

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